Cardiff Council offers a range of waste services to help with people who are living with memory difficulties.

Requesting a larger waste bin
If you are struggling with the volume of non-recyclable waste produced, perhaps due to additional Personal Protective Equipment or have difficulties with recycling, we may be able to offer a larger black bin.
Please contact C2C on (029) 2087 2087. A member of the team will contact you back to discuss your individual circumstances and explore the best way to support you.
Waste collection reminders
You can sign up to get recycling and waste collection reminders sent to you the day before your collection day. This can be sent to your email address or on your phone through the Cardiff Gov App.
Need help putting out bags and bins
If you need help putting your recycling and waste bags, bins or food caddy out to be collected, you can apply for a recorded collection.
To apply for a recorded collection service please ring C2C on 029 2087 2087 where your details will be taken.
A Waste and Recycling officer will come to your property and assess your situation and discuss your options with you.
If you are successful, you will receive recorded collections until you request for the service to stop.
Hygiene collection service
Cardiff Council offer an additional collection for incontinence waste that cannot fit into your black bin or black bags.
If you sign up to the service then you can use the yellow bags provided to dispose of incontinence waste.
You will put your nappies or incontinence waste into your black bin or red striped bags on general waste collection week.
Your hygiene bags will be collected on the opposite week to your black bins or black bags.
Apply for a hygiene collection on the Cardiff Council website.